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My Story

I have spent a lot of time with finding out that quick fix diets, and days of focusing on what the scale said , and feeling really badly about myself. Got me no where fast.  The only place it got me was on a downward spiral of feeling worst.


Hi Everyone,  just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and why I started in this field.  First of all, I realized with dealing with my own, wieght issues, emotional issues, relationship issues ,  financial issues that we all face some kind of speed bumps in our lives on a daily basis. Some are more complex than others but ,they are all equally important.  I now have managed to step out of that place where I was and I have learned to set, reach and achieve goals in my own life. So with all that being said, I thought, why not help people with whatever they may find it difficult to achieve.  I would love the opportunity to work with you on those areas, side by side, and let you set your own achievable goals that we can reach together.  There is nothing worse than feeling like you are in it alone.  I want to offer guidance and inspiration to help clients shift their behavior, make healthlier choices, and achieve a more balanced lifestyle. Let me be your number one cheerleader!!


Let me help you commit to your intensions:
Define goals and align with your vison and purpose
Set deadlines and achievable goals
Reach one small step at a time, be persistant and consistant.



How Does this differ from others services:

Well if we take a look at some others health professional


Nutrionist - Give you list of foods to eat and not to eat


Therapists- Do not provide an end in sight, and there is no linking of mood and diet


Doctors-Do not work on the root causes of the symptoms, but instead decide which medications might work the best.



As Health Coaches we provide the How and When

How my service works

A litte about how my service works,  our first meeting   will be your free health history.  After this , we will talk about how my packages work and which one will suit you best. From there, we will look forward to meeting with each other on scheduled times in moving forward to your new endeavors.


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